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The Mackenzie River is the longest River in Canada. Its source is the Great Slave Lake in the Northwest Territory. Other tributaries include the Liard, Great Bear, Arctic Red and Peel Rivers. The Peace and Athabasca Rivers empty into the Slave which in turn empties into Great Slave Lake. It is nicknamed the Mississippi of the north. Its brownish colour draws the comment that it is too thick to drink and too thin to plow.
Ty was the first man on board with me and did much of the planning. Kris Samraj also joined the group early on. Ty rounded out the group by inviting Eric. My father and Kris’s father drove us up to the Northwest Territories where we met Ty and Eric who had also paddled the Peace and Slave Rivers. We left Fort Providence on July 8 and arrived safely to our destination August 7.
My canoe is the Old Town Discovery 169. I nicknamed her the Son of Amittai. I realize the gender issue now, but the name remains. It is a sturdy canoe and it easily carried the two lightest members of the party with all of our gear. The name is Jonah’s. I spent much of my time on the river memorizing the book.
Navigate the different pages to learn more of my journey in the north country. I bought a Nikon SLR just previous to the trip so I learned to take pictures on this trip.