In my quest to deepen my understanding of my faith, it has become apparent that if I don’t pay attention to the Incarnation I will have missed the point. I explain in Episode 4 how I arrived at this critical belief when Jacqui, my collaborator and pastor, interviews me. I won’t expound here.
Jacqui and I decided to explore the concept together by interviewing people about the impact of the Incarnation – God made Flesh through the person of Jesus Christ – and producing a podcast. She may collect her thoughts into a book at some point too.
The Podcast Made Flesh begins with the origin and definition of this unique doctrine that God permanently fastens Himself to humanity, His creation. We interview Terry Fach, a chaplain at Ambrose University and former pastor.

Episode 2 brings us Faye Yu, a Program Consultant World Renew Malawi. She arrived in Malawi after my trip there in 2013, but manages the programs our church sponsors in Kamanzi. We ask how her work and relationships in Malawi is informed by God Made Flesh.

In coming episodes we explore urban farming, the bodies of women as they age, the historical and cultural challenges of church worship, disabilities, dramatic theatre, First Nation reconciliation, and why we are doing this project in the first place.