92. Grow a Beard for One Year

Completed June 5, 1999 @ Lacombe, AB

beard009The beard is now in a Ziplock baggy in a box with other life goal paraphernalia at home. I grew quite attached to the thing, or rather it grew quite attached to me (ha ha ha). I started growing the beard accidentally in June of 1998 when I went to Foothills Camp to work. I was mowing lawns and such and so after 2 weeks of not shaving I decided that this was a most opportune time to complete one of my life goals (namely this one). A main reason was that my girlfriend was leaving in August for 10 months to be a student missionary and she would be coming back right around the time when my year of beard growing would be culminating. So the look began.

Growing a beard is an awesome experience that all capable males should do. The best part is not having to shave daily. A close second however is the feeling of the wind tugging at your chin. Thirdly, the opportunity to stroke the beard when in pensive thought is an excellent excuse for a beard.

beard004By far the most annoying side-effect of growing the beard was other people’s pre-occupation with it. People would almost never talk to me about anything other than the beard. Now of course the big news is that I’ve shaved my beard, so the saga hasn’t ended yet! My beard grew to a terrific length of 6″ or around 15 cm. It was a wonderful experience and I urge you all to grow beards and be hairy!

Following are a few pictures.  The Cossack, Ché and Minstrel ones were taken May 29, 1999 in College Heights, Alberta by my sister, Saison.


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