Moved by Christmas Carols

I was first moved this season by a Christmas carol at Blaise and Acadia’s school Winter Celebration a couple weeks ago where home schoolers presented their various talents of martial arts, dancing, singing, comedy, sketches, and playing instruments. Two young brothers played their violin and piano duet of O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Still reeling from … [Read more…]

The Right and the Pragmatic

Lots of politics lately. War. Guns. Refugees. Women’s rights. Climate Change. Racism. All of it explodes on Facebook and traditional news. I find most of the time the issues are incredibly complex with stakeholders on all sides. I have Facebook friends on most of these sides too. Then there’s me. I’m a teacher. I work … [Read more…]

Farewell to BCS

I started at Bearspaw Christian School about 6 weeks after our family returned back to Canada after serving 3 years in Guatemala. The adjustment was rough. The overwhelming sense of entitlement as compared to Guatemalan students, the enormous wealth and luxury of the families connected to the school, my varied teaching assignment. My colleagues and … [Read more…]

Book Review: A More Christlike God (Bradley Jersak)

This is a beautiful book. Just gorgeous. Author Brad Jersak takes on the dichotomy of the angry, retributive, wrathful God and the compassionate, life-giving, sacrificial Jesus. Diving into both ancient theology and biblical understandings, Jersak explores what it means to view an unchanging God through the lens of His truest revelation, Jesus. The book is necessary … [Read more…]