I’m 100000

I’ve gained one more digit in binary today. It’ll be another 32 years before I get another and it took 16 to get this one. The fact that 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 = 32 makes 32 a better number than 30 (or 31 for that matter). Interesting note on a … [Read more…]


Well, I got my share of hammertime today. First thing this morning, I borrowed some powertools and bought some materials then built a stand and headtrap for milking the goats. I filmed the whole thing to use in my upcoming documentary For What it’s Worth, Milk a Goat. Then I remembered that our showerhead (aka … [Read more…]


I feel as though our electric bill is very expensive and I’ve been meaning to ask what it costs everywhere else. Here’s how my bill breaks down: Fixed monthly fee Q10.79 = CDN$1.67 = US$1.41 Monthly public lighting fee Q34.70 = CDN$5.38 = US$4.53 The first 100 kWh costs Q0.779/kWh = CDN$0.121/kWh = US$0.102/kWh Every … [Read more…]