Completed July 6, 2018 at home in Calgary, AB
It’s difficult to know when I finished my Masters program – when turned in my final assignment (April 16)? when my final assignment was marked (April 24)? when my final credits were posted to my transcripts (April 30)? when graduation happened (June 15)? when I got my degree in the mail (July 6)? Regardless – it’s done!
Overall, the program was a amazing. It is designed to enrich and expose high school math teachers to a wide array of mathematical subjects which should then enrich those teachers’ classrooms. I completed it over 8 terms (September 2015 through to April 2018).
Here’s what I got to study:
- Introduction to Mathematical Software for Teachers
- Reading, Writing and Discovering Proofs
- Theory of Computation
- Problem Solving and Proof in Geometry
- Mathematical Finance
- Algorithm Design and Analysis
- Cryptography
- History of Mathematics
- Number Theory for Teachers
- Math and Music
- Math for Global Citizens
- Master of Mathematics for Teachers Capstone
The University of Waterloo delivered excellent online courses and with the exception of one course, the professors where highly engaging and the material excellently presented. The assignments and quizzes were challenging and beautifully designed.
An added bonus to having enriched my mind and having a higher baseline for reading and engaging different types of mathematics, I get a slight bump in pay as my education moves up from 5 years to 6 years. Also, I get to call the University of Waterloo my alma mater.