This American Life

Yesterday I completed a years long journey backward in time. My friend Jenn recommended that I check out the podcast of This American Life back in 2012. I checked it out a few months later during summer vacation and then began listening to it regularly during my commutes to work which involved walking and riding … [Read more…]

Forty years ago, with the assistance of a midwife, a small teenage girl in an off-grid log house built by her new husband gives birth to a healthy boy with a full moon in the sky and and love The young parents nurture the infant into a curious, thoughtful boy and give him two sisters to love. Together they attend church … [Read more…]
Plans for 2016

I’ve heard it said that it is proud to make plans since we could drop dead at any time or circumstances could thwart those plans or recognizing that good intentions don’t always lead to the best results. But recognizing all the things that could go sideways, plans can be grounded in hope, be buoyed in … [Read more…]
2015 in Review

Best Experiences: Witnessing the growth and maturity of my amazing children. Attending the Osheaga Music Festival with Blaise. Cycling the Lachine Canal with my family. Tracking down Heady Topper with April in Vermont. Studying through mathematical software and proofs during my first semester as a masters student. Racing from my job interview at CCS to get to … [Read more…]
800 Posts

It took two and a half years to get these last 100 posts out averaging just over three posts each month. This blog took me around some familiar territory like visits to Montreal, BC, New Brunswick and watching my kids grow up, but it also took me to Africa, into brewing, and lots of new … [Read more…]
De Zaak Van Münster

I was startled to see my name on the title of a fellow airplane passenger’s book en route to Montréal. Ever since having spotted my name on the side of a Dutch bank in 1993, I’ve known that my name means “business” in Dutch. The plane was already its descent into Montreal, so I had … [Read more…]
3.1415.. = π 3.14.15 = today
Analog Prizes

Advent has a lot of meaning. God sent his Son to Earth to take on physical flesh and blood because He loves this Earth. God’s love for Earth is in direct contrast to the Greek dualistic disdain of the physical world as they believe it can not be as valued as the heavenly forms. So, … [Read more…]
Nominal Nation Visits

On the left is Malawi, where I spent 12 days. On the right is Mozambique, where I spent 5 minutes taking the following photo in a village (thanks to Richard for pulling over and letting me take a picture in Mozambique): Kind of funny as the people in this village speak Chewa and Portuguese (and … [Read more…]